Sunday 31 December 2017

GURPS Waterworld Session 6: The Wizard

Ai - Experienced Tech
Axe - Mutant Hulk
Cap'n Chang - Lucky Nomad
        Chung O'Flannigan - NPC Smuggler
"Lieutenant" Vaolt - Mutant Trooper

Day 26 (Cont.):
While Chang gave chase to the armoured mystery Russian in the Golden Hare, somebody announced over all radio frequencies to head to their current coordinates if they were looking to have some "fun", and soon after, the party was joined by another 5 ships.  Though initially they all seemed to be a single raider group, after a closer look, it was discovered that they were merely unimaginative, as their flags were all skull-oriented, but different (flaming skulls, inverted skulls, poison skulls, etc).

The raiders opened fire on everything in sight, including each other, while the Russian came to a sudden stop while running on the water and began to (slowly) sink.  After trying some buckshot and a slug to little effect, Chang got on the harpoon gun and impaled the mystery man through the chest, and began dragging him around with the Golden Hare.

Axe, meanwhile, rammed his boat into the raiders', only for Vaolt to kill all of them with a single shot from his revolver due to a dropped SMG going off.  The mystery Russian, now recovered from the initial shock of being impaled by a harpoon, stood up and began to water ski while laughing insanely, killing raiders while Chang tried to slam him into their boats.

Vaolt took a couple bullets and, because he wasn't wearing any body armour, went down.  Axe rammed the Poison Skulls and started chopping them to bits, only for their bodies to emit a purple tear gas while they lay dying.  He then jumped back to his (now mostly ruined) ship, and rammed the last raiders: a crew of three pirates "firing" automatic rifles that were now out of bullets.

The Russian then jumped thirty feet in the air, tearing the harpoon gun free from the Golden Hare, just as Ai took a shot with the experimental gun, which removed the Russian's right arm from the shoulder down.  Chang then turned his boat around and ramped off a conveniently capsized vessel, hitting him out of midair.  The Russian went underwater, and didn't come back up, dragging the harpoon gun down with him.

Another pair of ships that had been watching radio'd in, and commended the party for their skill at arms.  They asked if the party would like to join the Inferno Skulls Gang, and Chang accepted honorary membership, though they were too busy to join them permanently.  The Skulls handed over leather jackets with the gang insignia and a new harpoon gun, and then headed on their way.

Day 27-30:
While the Golden Hare and the Axe's Sheath III had uneventful travel, Vaolt downed some of the healing goo from the treeple, and Ai identified the experimental rifle as an inorganic demoleculizer.  In layman's terms, it could disintegrate any non-organic substance.  This meant that the Russian was probably a cyborg of some type, as it would have had no effect on a meat arm inside armour.

Day 31:
The party came to the coordinates that had come over the radio a while ago, which the treeple had put in the territory of the  Wizard's Foot Gang, and decided to go ashore in search of treasure.  At the obvious beach, there were three boats, which had been sitting there only a short while, so Chang took the Golden Hare elsewhere and Camouflaged her in case raiders got any ideas.  At Chang's behest, Vaolt wore the SWAT assault vest this time.

The party tried to move Stealthily through the jungle, but Axe, a 9' tall mutant with solid rock for skin, doomed them to failure.  After a half-hour, they came to a clearing with dozens of human corpses in various states of decay.  Ai was sent ahead to scout, and saw "something big" before retreating.  It followed her, however, and turned out to be a 9' tall mutant, covered in scars, who yelled out "I AM THE WIZARD" and charged.

Axe charged back, yelling "AXE", only to be slide-kicked in the shins twice.  Chang's shotgun sprang into his hands, and he managed to unload a blast into the thing's eyes, blinding it, but it seemed mostly unaffected, and was similarly unbothered by shots to the vitals from Vaolt's pistol.  Ai, meanwhile, decided to stay away from the fighting and steal whatever treasure it was guarding (if any).

It yelled out some more, then swelled to 15' tall and grabbed onto Axe, while fully regenerating from the wounds inflicted by Vaolt.  Chang tried a blast at the mutant's foot, but only lightly damaged it, while Axe struggled to break free.  Sensing that they couldn't defeat this thing through normal means, Vaolt shouted "look out!", spun his revolver to the magic bullet, and fired a single shot.

The bullet impacted, and a miasma of blackness wept from the wound, slowly covering the mutant, which was seemingly incapacitated, and began to spread around it.  Axe, still grappled, tried to chop his way out of the creature's grasp, and managed to remove one arm.  Chang pumped through the rest of his shells and loaded a slug, only to miss the other arm, though it would have been pointless anyway, as a shot from Vaolt's rifle had no effect.

Just as the black cloud was about to touch him, Axe broke free, and ran back.  It spread to cover a 5m sphere, before receding, leaving behind strange metallic piles which assembled themselves, over 10 minutes, into a satellite dish.  Ai (with assistance from Chang) figured out how to work it, but discovered that there were no satellites in orbit that it could detect.

Then, the true wizard emerged from the jungle.  Dressed like Gandalf the Grey (strange for South East Asia), he introduced himself, and offered the "brave heroes" to drink from his chalice, which would fulfil their wildest dreams.  Everyone partook, and then blackness.

Day ???:
Ai awoke in a pitch-black room, probably zap-tied to what was probably a mattress.  A voice sounded in her mind, and asked her what she was doing, and several other things, all while saying that it didn't want to hurt her.  She was able to keep it distracted and trick it into forgetting what it wanted, and turned the subject to what it could do for her.

It asked whether she or her allies were capable of science, and she responded that she was, but that the others were only okay at driving boats and killing people.  It asked if they were a threat, and she said that they could be, but only if provoked (a bald-faced lie which it failed to notice).  It then offered terms: in exchange for 5 questions, the lights in the room would come up by 15% brightness.

Ai relented, and was questioned about mostly mundane things, ultimately ending with whether she would help research.  At the conclusion of the fifth question, the lights came on full blast, revealing a stark, clean white room, and the rest of the party, asleep on a cluster of matresses nearby.  They woke, and were confused, but directed by Ai (who was, in turn, directed by the AI), they made their way out the only door and down the hallway, to their weapons.  Axe was overjoyed to see his axe once more.

Vaolt would have been entirely uninjured had he been wearing the assault vest; he hasn't been wearing it because the plan is to eventually refit it for Axe's SM+1 body, but that's been put on hold for now.

The GM did not expect everybody to take drugs from a "wizard", but here we are.  Chang's Danger Sense didn't go off, and he's Overconfident and Oblivious, Vaolt loves drugs and is Gregarious, and Axe was thirsty.  Ai had no reason to drink it but did because everybody else was already doing it.

MVP was Ai for somethingsomething

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