Friday 22 December 2017

GURPS Waterworld Session 5: The Russian

Ai - Experienced Tech
Axe - Mutant Hulk
Cap'n Chang - Lucky Nomad
        Chung O'Flannigan - NPC Smuggler
"Lieutenant" Vaolt - Mutant Trooper

Day 24:
The treeple needed an entire day to create the healing goo, so the party found ways to kill time.  Ai turned some goggles into a scope for the harpoon gun, Chang relaxed on the Golden Hare, and Axe and Vaolt went hunting in the jungle.  Neither were skilled at Tracking, however, so they kind of just randomly wandered around.

After some time, they came across a group of mutants with guns, but both groups decided to ignore the other and continue on their ways.  Later, they discovered a pack/herd/flock of rabbits, but before they could celebrate, the rabbits turned around in perfect synch, revealing that instead of a normal face, they had a gaping, toothy maw.

Axe began to slowly back away, and the "rabbits" followed at the same pace, until Vaolt started climbing a tree, at which point they charged.  A bunch of them bit Axe before he could get out of reach, but, thanks to his thick skin, he was mostly unharmed.  Vaolt threw a lead pipe, but the rabbits ignored it.  He then killed two with shots from his pistol, only for the rest to eat the dead in the blink of an eye and return to watching the tree.

The pair gave up, and decided to wait for the rabbits to get bored, and, after two hours, they suddenly ran away from something that was approaching the base of the tree.  They waited to see what this new threat was, and with an autotuned moo, a cybernetic cow stepped out of the jungle.  It clearly wasn't interested in eating them, so Axe and Vaolt finally headed back to the shore, empty-handed.

Day 25:
The treeple gave the party their healing goo (and some more drug peaches for Vaolt), and the party set sail up the coast for an uneventful day.  At night, something rocketed out of the sea and onto the shore beside the party's campsite.  After everybody (except Axe) woke up, they discovered that it was a ruined diving cage, with a severed chain on top.  Nothing seemed to be attacking, so they went back to sleep.

Day 26:
Early in the day, a ship with some banditos appeared from out of a cove and started to tail the Golden Hare.  Ai hailed them on the radio, and they asked if the party had seen another boat nearby with their friends on it.  Ai responded that the only thing they'd seen was the ruined diving cage, and the banditos realized that their friends were likely eaten by whatever had destroyed the cage.  They then asked if the party would be interested in escorting them, which they did after striking a deal for 3 lead pipes and 1.5 harpoons.

Later, another group of mutant bandits gave chase, but didn't respond to hails.  They only had a single (visible) rifle, so the party decided to fight rather than flee.  Their new allies boarded the ship, leading to both sides bashing each other with lead pipes, while Cap'n Chang pulled up alongside to let Axe go to work.

The bandit with the rifle fired it at their allies' ship, and it ate away a large portion of the hull on "impact".  In fear for his own boat, Chang fired a poorly-aimed blast with his shotgun while piloting with his elbow, winging the bandit, followed quickly by a far more accurate shot from Ai on the LMG, which killed him.  Axe chopped the rest of the bandits to death, shoved them in the ship's blood drive, and declared that he would pilot their new ship.

Their allies' ship seemed fine, despite the hole in the hull, so they continued on their way.  They passed another boat, with two naked man on board shoving a third into the blood drive, and did their best to ignore it, when suddenly, a man in red armour with a large russian hat appeared on their boat's deck and started punching the canopy, collapsing it and pinning Ai, who had been trying to find the mystery gun in his bag.

Chang fired his shotgun as fast as he could, aiming directly for the mystery russian's skull, but the pellets disintegrated midair, so he suddenly jerked the Golden Hare hard enough to send the russian overboard, along with Vaolt.  Where Vaolt fell into the water, however, the mystery russian landed on his feet, and sprinted at high speed along the surface.  Axe finally noticed, and picked up Vaolt, while Chang turned the Golden Hare to pursue, swearing revenge.

They found the mystery russian at the boat they had passed earlier, where he was shoving the two naked men into the blood drive.  Ai finally got free from the ruined canopy, Axe braced for ramming speed, and Vaolt readied his revolver and spun the chamber to the "magic bullet", while Chang tied his lucky belt to keep the rudder straight and stumbled over the ruined canopy to fire the LMG at the mystery russian.  This time, the bullet seemed to have an effect; it seemed that larger bullets weren't entirely disintegrated.

There was some debate over what you call a large group of rabbits.  Apparently, a herd is the proper term.

Hopefully either the mystery gun or the magic bullet are able to incapacitate this guy, as he clearly has some sick loot.

MVP was Axe, for murdering the most banditos

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