Monday 8 October 2018

New Holy Warrior Ability: Holy Smite

Holy Warriors don't get enough options, in my opinion.  They're all going to take Blessed (Heroic Feats), and then maybe Resistant (Evil Supernatural Powers)Turning and Faith Healing are good, but very expensive, and better in the hands of a Cleric anyway.  I figure that Holy Warriors, as holy warriors, should get at least one other combat option, and here it is, definitely not ripped off from D&D: Holy Smite.

Holy Smite [7/lvl]

Prerequisite: One level of Holiness/Power Investiture per level of Holy Smite

When making an attack, you can imbue your weapon (or fists, or arrows) with burning divine light which is even more effective against true enemies of the faith.  For each FP spent before rolling to attack, up to your level of Holy Smite, add 2 burn damage to any successful attack, or 4 against enemies of the faith.  This bonus damage can affect insubstantial targets, even if the normal attack wouldn't.

Innate Attack (Burning) 4 (Follow-Up (Any Attack), +50%; Affects Insubstantial, +20%; Not Incendiary, -10%; Variable, +5%; Costs Fatigue, -15%; Accessibility (Enemies of the Faith Only), -30%; Holy, -10%) [5.5/lvl]

Innate Attack (Burning) 2 (Follow-Up (Any Attack), +50%; Affects Insubstantial, +20%; Not Incendiary, -10%; Variable, +5%; Costs Fatigue, -15%; Holy, -10%) [3.5/lvl], [0.7/lvl] as an Alternate Ability

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