Sunday 26 November 2017

GURPS Waterworld Session 2: The North Philippine Harshlands

Axe - Mutant Hulk
Cap'n Chang - Lucky Nomad
"Lieutenant" Vaolt - Mutant Trooper

Player Absent:
Ai - Experienced Tech

Day 3:
The party woke up on the rock (except for the Cap'n, who slept on the Golden Hare, a trend which would continue), scavenged the rifle, two harpoons, and some clothes from the Anti-Mutant League's corpses, and set sail under solar power.  The trip was uneventful, and the next night was spent on a slightly more comfortable island.  Vaolt smelled something during the night, but nothing attacked or presented itself, so it was ignored.

Day 4:
Around noon, the Axe spotted some unmoving ships off to port, but he also saw that there were people aboard, so the party continued on their way.  The night was spent at a small inhabited island.  The natives made their living repairing boats, and offered to trade with the party, but they had nothing of worth.  Cap'n Chang, ever the socialite, heard some rumours about the Rainbow Warriors mobilizing for battle now that the Anti-Mutant League's leader was dead.

Day 5:
During the day, a pair of ski-doos appeared and started to follow the Golden Hare.  Axe threw a harpoon as a "warning shot", and they sped off.  That night, the party arrived at "Portland", a raider outpost, and they had to trade the harpoons for a place to sleep.  The raiders were gathered around a small ring watching bloodsports, which Axe was disappointed to learn were not to the death.

Cap'n Chang found out that the Rainbow Warriors were definitely going to attack the AML soon, while Vaolt took some sort of blood/drug/paint thinner mix alternately called Absinthe and Ambrosia by the raiders, and found himself super stimulated and unable to sleep.

Day 6:
Uneventful, slept on a tiny rock island.  During the night, Axe overheard a large group of boats nearby, but the party went unnoticed.

Day 7:
Come daybreak, a flotilla of 11 boats was clearly anchored just offshore, and the Cap'n tried to take the boat out stealthily, but to no avail, and a chase was soon underway.  The Hare switched to the blood drive for extra power, and the Cap'n quickly shook their pursuers by hugging a nearby reef.

Shortly after the chase, somebody listed some encoded coordinates over broadband radio, but the party could make nothing of it and continued on their way.  The party was unable to find land by dusk, so everybody but Cap'n Chang suffered through an uncomfortable, rocky night at sea.

Day 8:
Mid-morning, the party found a ruined ship, and Vaolt jumped out to investigate but found nothing of note.  The Cap'n took a closer look and found a flag that Ai placed as belonging to the Rainbow Warriors.  Shortly after, they found the source: an active battle between the Rainbow Warriors and the Anti-Mutant League.

The party sat around out of range and watched, eager to scavenge the wreckage after the battle, but both sides hung around afterwards, so they set off to find a place to sleep, with intent to scavenge in the morning.  However, the only island they could find was a Philippine outpost, and refused to let them dock, so they spent another night at sea. During Vaolt's watch, a murder of vampire seagulls, likely attracted by the blood drive, attacked.

Vaolt readied his lead pipe, while Axe woke up on the deck, and Cap'n Chang's Danger Sense had him up and running to the engine to start the Hare as quickly as possible.  At this point, it became apparent that nobody had a light source, and so Vaolt and Axe struggled to hit the seagulls by moonlight.  Thankfully, Axe managed to take out a handful with his axe, and the Cap'n got the boat moving fast enough to outrun any that fell behind.

One of the vampire seagulls sunk a huge talon into Vaolt, and was then kicked repeatedly (to little effect) while Cap'n Chang juked the boat around to slam some others into the hull, stunning them.  Axe took down a pair that seemed to be flanking, and moved to help Vaolt kick the bird that had clawed him, while Cap'n Chang did one final, severe juke to get the injured seagull out the back of the boat.

Day 9:
The party didn't have a first aid kit, so they decided to head to the Philippines proper to get Vaolt some medical attention.  The camp was, despite the many wounded, surprisingly welcoming given the outpost's attitude the night prior, but Cap'n Chang and Axe failed to get directions to a medic.  Vaolt managed to get pointed in the right direction, but before he realized it he had signed up to secure a village in the interior in exchange for medical services.

The rest of the party signed on as well, to make sure he didn't die, and were guided onto a truck which drove for an hour or two down dirt roads, eventually arriving at a cluster of thatch huts in a clearing.  The party were told to disembark, along with two other hunters, and were to hold their position for two hours.  Some quick scavenging amongst the huts found horribly burned bodies, a strange revolver with a single shot, and some shotgun and rifle ammo.

Cap'n Chang concealed himself in a good position Axe climbed on top of a hut, and Vaolt "patrolled" (read: stood in the open and attracted attention).  After only about 20 minutes, loud clacking emanated from the jungle and a swarm of 3' centipedes emerged from the treeline.  The two other hunters with the group panicked and ran inside the shacks, which the centipedes soon overran.

Vaolt climbed up onto the roof with Axe's help, while Cap'n Chang took one good shot with his double-barrel shotgun and then started running away from the swarm to try to reload.  Axe chopped them from the safety of the shack, which the centipedes tried to climb, only to become easy targets, and Vaolt managed to kill 5 in as many shots.

They all died without any injury to the party, who then Camouflaged themselves again.  After around an hour, the party heard servos, and saw strange 3-pronged footprints appearing at the outskirts of the clearing, with no source.  They held their breath, and stayed in cover, and whatever it was went away.  The truck showed up again later, with a bunch more goons who got out and started to fortify the clearing, while the party was shuttled back to base.

Vaolt finally got medical care in the form of a shot to the gut which miraculously healed all of his wounds at the cost of nausea and fatigue loss.  The party went to leave, but were asked to stay by some of the other hunters, who had been impressed with their (mostly Axe's) skills.  Sadly, the party had a more pressing mission, and left at first light the next morning.

Day 10-12:
The Golden Hare headed north up the Philippine coast, scavenging along the way.  They spent the nights in a small abandoned town, a mostly-intact police station, and a village full of nano-machine controlled, non-aggressive "zombies".

Day 13:
At Cap'n Chang's behest, the group decided skip over Taiwan and stop over only at smaller islands on their way to Japan.  On the first day, they came to a buoy with an old, ragged looking man aboard.  The Cap'n called out to him, but got no response.  Vaolt jumped overboard and swam over to see if the man was okay, and found that he was merely sleeping.  He gave the party a cryptic warning about his brother being awake and hunting, and they continued on their way.

Vaolt should probably buy up Axe/Mace if he plans on using that lead pipe...

We seemed to skip over a lot of content (the mysterious unmoving ships), but hey, we've got a mission.

Too bad we lost the harpoons; Axe has no ranged weapons now.

Somebody needs to take Gunner other than Cap'n Chang, who tends to be a bit busy during chases.

There was talk of doing a mini-campaign after this where we retake the Philippines with these (or other characters) getting rewarded with better gear as we go.  Death Screams in the Philippines is the working title.

We snagged a first-aid kit, some flashlights, ammo, and a set of riot gear from the police station.  Good haul.

MVP went to Cap'n Chang for evading the chase and keeping the vampire seagulls away

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