Alexander "Specter" Marshal - Solo
Pat "Peacock" Watson - "Former" Nomad
Ruby "Paxos" Lang - Netrunner
Pat "Peacock" Watson - "Former" Nomad
Ruby "Paxos" Lang - Netrunner
Braxton "Jar" Jiggs - Cybertech/Ripperdoc NPC
High Octane
The crew briefly discussed whether they wanted to hand Scarlet over to the mob, but it quickly became apparent that nobody objected too strongly, so they got back into the car and started to drive back into Night City. On a stretch of highway in Rancho Coronado, an SUV changed lanes to be in front of them, then opened its rear hatch, revealing a trio of gunmen. Two were heavily-armored with rifles, while the third was a woman with a third arm (giving her two on the right shoulder), wearing only light athletic wear, ponytail flapping in the wind: Peacock's sister, Emma. All wore the navy uniform with yellow highlights of Militech.
She fired a slug at the Peacockmobile, but Peacock swerved to the side, avoiding it, and the chase was on. A second Militech SUV ran up from behind and more armoured goons opened fire while hanging out the side windows. Peacock floored it and hopped over the lane divider into oncoming traffic. While the SUVs followed suit, they were steadily losing ground. While the rest of the goons opened fire but mostly just scraped the paint, Emma opened fire with the smart SMG in her third hand, the gyrojets arcing over the car to collide with the hood, hoping to disable the engine.
As they wove through other drivers, the Militech goons still managed a few lucky shots, and Emma sent a slug at their tires, but it bounced off the rim. Peacock turned hard to the right, taking them onto the on-ramp to the elevated highway, and into Charter Hills. Traffic got increasingly bad as they got further and further into the city, and while a slug from Emma slammed into Paxos' torso, her runner suit stopped it, and Specter responded by returning fire with his RPG, though the driver dodged and the rocket spiraled off harmlessly into the sky before exploding.