Friday, 26 January 2018

GURPS Waterworld Session 8: Japan

Axe - Mutant Hulk
Cap'n Chang - Lucky Nomad
"Lieutenant" Vaolt - Mutant Trooper

Player Absent:
Ai - Experienced Tech

Day 81:
The party waited four days while the Wizard constructed their gifts: anti-grav jump boots with a 50m range for Axe, hypervision goggles for Chang, and a backpack-mounted water cannon for Vaolt.  He also gave them back the demoleculizer, though had apparently done something incomprehensible to the battery.  After much conversation and long-winded explanations, the Wizard was convinced to transport them to Japan using a hovercraft, which he trained Chang to pilot.

Day 87:
Before going to Japan, the party headed back to their ship to grab Chung, who was still apparently fine thanks to Pandaborg putting him into a coma, their food, and the rest of their gear.

Day 95:
As they approached the Japanese coast, the party and the Wizard came up with a plan.  Apparently, any land vehicles would be bombarded and destroyed the second they touched land, as many of Japan's pre-war automated defenses were still functioning, so they resolved to leave the hovercraft slightly off-shore and wade in the rest of the way.  The Wizard was able to walk on the water thanks to hoverboots, and turned invisible once they were ashore.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

GURPS Waterworld Session 7: The Satellite Array

Ai - Experienced Tech
Axe - Mutant Hulk
Cap'n Chang - Lucky Nomad
"Lieutenant" Vaolt - Mutant Trooper

Day ??? (Cont.):
Now that they had re-equipped, the party took a look around and noticed that the room they were in had several tables and shelves lining the walls, all practically overflowing with strange and incomprehensible devices.  There was a man in a white lab coat working on something in the corner, a cybernetic panda in the corner opposite, two normal doors, and one steel blast door.  Beside one of the normal doors was a coat rack, which held a robe and wizard hat.

Chang asked the "scientist" what was going on and, as he turned around, the party realized that this was the Wizard.  He explained over the next twenty-or-so minutes exactly what he had done, down to the smallest detail, to transport the party here, his speech so thick with technical jargon that only Ai had a remote hope of understanding him.  He gave similar exposition when asked where the experimental gun was, how the chalice had knocked them out, and why he was so interested in Ai's assistance (in order: scrapped for parts, nanobots, she was really smart).

The Wizard was apparently rather socially incapable, as he kept slipping up and mentioning things like how his former "helpers" who had been mind-controlled by nanobots were "no longer viable", and that Ai was the third smartest person he'd met, but "would do, as the other two hadn't worked out"